Believe it or not, you may be missing out on roofing service revenue every single day. Thanks to Jobba, Cazeault Roofing and Solar are not.
There could be many reasons your missing out on roofing service revenue – new inspection or service inquiries are falling through the cracks or maybe your sales team is wasting time on manual processes and communications.
Then, think about your service crews. Are they tracking their time accurately for the work they perform? Is there a chance they are completely missing out on additional service opportunities while on-site with the customer? And, how much money are you losing from unpaid invoices that your billing department just can’t get to? And, even worse, how much are you losing on invoices that never even make it to the customer?
Either way, by making the investment in roofing software like Jobba, you can instantly increase all-around visibility, automation, and efficiency throughout your company – which puts you in an ideal position for serious GROWTH.