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Chief Transformation Officer of Jobba Says It is Time to Simplify and Connect

In an interview, Steven White discusses how focusing on customer troubleshooting has led to greater solutions to technological changes of the industry. 

Steven White was recently promoted to Chief Transformation Officer of Jobba, the roofing industry’s leading software provider. Steven has been with the company for six years and played a key role in the product development and branding of Jobba. In his new role, Steven will drive innovation from customer-driven desires and initiatives, focused ultimately on industry transformation. 

“Marketing is just a fancy word for people and understanding how they operate,” says Steven, discussing what customer-driven focus means. “Everything we do is designed around helping our clients.” Steven tells RCS that he has the luxury of working with hundreds of contractors and talking to them throughout all points of their process. From tech newbies to seasoned tech wizards, Steven is engaged with customers all day. That means he is particularly attuned to what contractors need from their technology. 

“With the technology boom there comes also technical debt,” says Steven. “Because as contractors get more adept at solving one problem, that creates more work, because they’re bringing in all these different apps.”

Steven has seen plenty of contractors struggling to juggle 26 apps that were supposed to make their lives easier. “It bogs things down and creates a technical debt because none of these systems are talking to each other,” says Steven. “It isn’t sustainable for contractors to keep adding more apps, because we’re creating too many problems and additional workarounds and inefficiencies. So that’s why Jobba was created as a new type of platform that can actually be a Rosetta Stone and talk to all of the other apps and connect them.”

Jobba helps roofing contractors manage every aspect of their business be it selling, service, or invoicing – all on one platform. With this powerful API, contractors are able to automate and track the key areas of their business and eliminate the need to use dozens of technology applications.

“Jobba was actually created out of this need from the whole industry to have a platform that wouldn’t create the need for more apps, but would actually decrease them so that they can spend less money in subscriptions, less inefficient workarounds,” says Steven. “A lot of the things you see that we’re doing are built around how are we connecting the industry and how we are helping them be more efficient and build success”

Jobba’s platform also connects contractors to the broader roofing ecosystem with features that allow them to interact with distributors, manufacturers, and service providers. “We’re connecting systems and parts of the roofing industry that couldn’t typically talk to each other now through Jobba,” says Steven. “That’s what makes Jobba very different from any other roofing technology that’s out there right now.”

At the end of the day, Jobba’s innovation is driven by creating solutions for roofing companies that help make their technical tools work with them rather than against them. In the words of Steven, “We need to find ways to connect the industry more and simplify things. For the good of all.”

Interested in Jobba? Fill out the form to watch our quick 5-minute demo video to learn more about its features!

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