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5 Ways to Use Social Media to Grow Your Roofing Business

It’s no secret that social media has changed—for better or worse—so many things in our lives. Everything from how we interact with one another to how we shop and the products we buy. But those who have been impacted by the rise of social media the most are businesses, including roofers.

Social media channels have changed the way businesses communicate with consumers, market their products and services, and establish a reputation. While these all ring true for roofing contractors, social media can actually do a lot more than that. Keep reading to learn the 5 major ways social media can help grow your roofing business.

1. Increase roofing leads

The main reason businesses choose to engage in social media marketing is to be able to generate more interest. According to Social Media Examiner’s 2020 Social Media Marketing Industry Report, 69 percent of businesses are on social media to increase their leads.

But no business wants looky-loos or a ton of spam filling up their pipeline. They want customers who will actually buy the product or schedule a service.

The biggest advantage of using social media is its ability to generate highly qualified leads that offer opportunities for more sales. Platforms like Linkedin and Facebook are great places for you to share promotions or various types of content because you are able to get a live view of engagement. This way you know your roofing business is interacting with the right audiences.

2. Boost search engine rankings

The best way to ensure your success is to know that your roofing business is front and center on Google and other search sites. While other practices, like SEO, can be a big factor in your company’s website health and ranking status, social media can also help improve your search engine ranking and make you easy to find.

Most potential customers are more likely to visit your social media profiles before they come to your roofing company’s site. This is so they can get a feel for your brand and services, as well as read honest reviews. The more visits, likes, and shares that your social profiles get, the more your website’s authority and overall performance will increase, ultimately boosting your ranking.

3. Drive more traffic

As we just mentioned, social media is a great way to increase the amount of traffic coming to your roofing company’s website. In the Social Media Examiner’s report, it was noted that over 70 percent of businesses utilize social media channels to help build their reputation and improve their site’s visibility. 

To enhance your social media presence and increase traffic, you should post various types of content that will redirect visitors to your website, including:

  • Magazines and brochures
  • Blogs
  • Customer stories and testimonials
  • How-to videos
  • Before and after pictures
  • And more!

Not only will this technique help you engage with your followers, but it will also allow you to expand to a whole new audience.

4. Keep an eye on your competition

Every organization in every industry or trade, like roofing, frequently monitors its major competitors. Social media keeps you in the loop on what the competition is doing and how they are performing, giving you an opportunity to learn from them.

This doesn’t mean you should copy their strategies verbatim. While you both share space within the roofing industry, it doesn’t mean what works best for their company will do the same for yours. Think of their tactics as inspiration. Draw from it and tailor it to fit your business, target audience, and followers.

Take the time to perform a competitive analysis so you have a clear picture of what worked and what didn’t. This is also a good time to analyze your own performance and how it compares to your top competitors. There are many tools on the market that will help you collect this data and customize it based on your roofing company’s goals.

5. Build trust with potential customers

Social media is often viewed as just a way for a business to show off their latest product or promote a new service to increase their revenue. But it is so much more than that. 

Nowadays, consumers don’t just rely on review sites like HomeAdvisor or Yelp when they are in the process of scheduling services. They also turn to social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram to get a better understanding of your brand, your values, and your work. 

The Social Media Examiner conducted a survey (reflected in their 2021 report) that stated almost 80 percent of businesses believe that social media played a role in building trust with their audiences. 

The easiest way to convey who you are and what your roofing company stands for is to create content that is relatable, engaging, and unique. 

Take the time to collect video testimonials of satisfied customers. Share all of the ways you have given back to the community. Reference issues many of your current and potential customers might be facing (harsh weather, power outages, price hikes, etc.). This way your target audience knows you are up to speed and can offer trustworthy service.

It’s not breaking news to learn that social media has gotten a bad reputation over the years. Many people just see it as a place to spread false information, peddle weight loss supplements or bully total strangers. And while there are some drawbacks to it, there are a lot of benefits as well—especially for businesses. Social media is a place where roofing contractors can stay connected to customers, new and old, and help grow their business. The best of social profiles? They’re FREE! Did these tips help you? Let us know by leaving a comment or sending us a message on any of our social pages.

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